Transformation Bootcamp

Why is our Transformation Bootcamp Different from Others?

A lot of times, people are so scared of the word “bootcamp” because they think they need to be fitness enthusiasts to do it. When people hear the word “bootcamp” they automatically think “intense burst of exercises” and get scared. But here at P4L, we take our education very seriously. This is not your typical “no pain, no gain” environment. Instead, during this 4 week period, we will build you up from the ground up.

Here’s why our bootcamp is different from anyone’s else’s. First, every person joining our program goes through a 30 min assessment that includes an inbody assessment, PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire), and a brief functional movement screening. Personalized nutrition guidelines will also be provided along with a 30 min complimentary consultation with our health and wellness coach, Marley Wiley. This ensures that all of our boot campers are well aware of their own bodies and know what muscle groups they need to focus on and what movements they should avoid. These elements tell us what fitness level you will be at and therefore, we can match you with a perfect partner with similar goals, personality, and fitness level throughout this 4 week period to keep you accountable.

There will be four phases during this four week period. First week, we will focus on stabilization and endurance. Second week, we will focus on strength endurance/hypertrophy. Third week, we will focus on max strength and lastly on the fourth week, we will focus on power. This is based on NASM’s scientifically proven OPT model. What’s most important is that this is a 10 people max bootcamp. If safety is your concern, you can take that off the list.

And don’t worry, no class will ever be the same. Even though this is a structured program, everyday will be different.  We will incorporate a mixture of strength and conditioning work, cardio boxing, and metabolic conditioning/HIIT training to give you the best results possible. Kettlebells, barbells/dumbbells, plyometrics, sled push, battle ropes, assault bike, core focus work, medicine name it, we got you covered. Here at P4L, we value two things: education and community. We will provide the support you need to help you reach YOUR goals in a FUN and SAFE way. This bootcamp will bring you into a community of others who keep you accountable and encourage you to show up everyday! So sign up now and get in the best shape of your life!

*We encourage all levels of fitness from beginner to advanced to participate*


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