Pec Doorway Stretch


The purpose of this movement is to stretch the muscles in the chest and the shoulders. This is useful for individuals who experience soreness after an upper body workout or who often experience tightness in their chest and shoulders. Another benefit of this movement is that it can be used for individuals who want to improve their posture as this stretch reinforces maintaining an open chest instead of allowing the shoulders to round forward. 

Execution and how to perform this exercise:

  1. To start, find a doorway or a corner where you can place your arms out at 90 degrees

    1. If there is only a corner available:

      1. Place left arm on corner at shoulder height

        1. Step forward with left foot

        2. Lean forward until a stretch is felt in left chest and shoulder 

        3. Maintain shoulders down and away from ears 

      2. Place right arm on corner at shoulder height

        1. Step forward with right foot

        2. Lean forward until a stretch is felt in right chest and shoulder 

        3. Maintain shoulders down and away from ears 

      3. If a doorway is available, keep elbows at shoulder level 

        1. Step forward with either foot foot and hold position

    2. While shoulder level is the default, if discomfort occurs one can move elbows to a different position as well

  2. Perform 2 to 3 sets and hold the position for 15-30 seconds


What to Do On Vacation (Part 1)


Kneeling Prayer Stretch